to someone that I ever love.

Hai .

there's some pictures that i want to show to you my dear . even you hate me but i'm still regard you as my special friend.  i never regard you as my enemy .you know what , God willing i'll wait for you .

Ohh dear . 3 months with you make me feels like a perfect girl .
before this , if i take a walk with my friends , i won't wearing a hijab .
but you've changed me . I want our friendship has no end .
even we do not have a special relationship, I hope we can be friends.
 I really missed your voice , your laugh , you're so very concerned about me.
 and I missed that .

The more I try to forget you , the more I missed you 
the more I tried to forget our memories , the more I remembered about our memories .
Only God knows how sad I am
I always pray that we'll united as before .
I just want you to know one thing , I will love you until my last breath.
but ...
if God does not unite us . I hope someone can replace you in my heart .
and I hope you'll be happy with a special person that you choose.
I'll never stop prayed for you happiness .

Haha !
Ohh My English .
Ayu cuba nak update dlm English .
ayu try TAK guna Google Translate .
soryy lahh kalau ayu niyy broken English .
hee ! :)

Jiwang tak ayat ayu ??
Hahaha !
seriously ayu tak tahu betul or tak ape yg ayu tulis tuu .
biaselah .
I'm not in English .
and bak kate pepatah

okayy . script english yg pnjang lebar tu memang IKHLAS ehh .
tak ada copy paste dari mane2 . Tak ade gune Google Translate .
thats why hancur English tuu .

Okayy gamba-2 tu ... ayat english yg panjang lebar tuu .
ayu saje je buat . sebab bosan .
tapi .
dalam bosan2 nihh , ayu ade rindu kan seseorang & rindukan suatu mase dulu .
alahai .
kiteorg dah jadi MUSUH . 
ayu tak tahu ape yg ayu buat kat dia .
hopefully kiteorang boleh jadi kawan semula . 
sbb dia memang almost PERFECT .
ayu harap dia tak dapat perempuan yg menyusahkan mcm ayu buat kat dia dulu .
okayy I missed you .

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